Living a Spirit Filled Life - Pt 9

April 22, 2012 Speaker: Steve Ottolini Series: Living a Spirit Filled Life

Topic: Main Gathering

People Speaking in Tongues

107AD Oneness Pentecostals
156AD Montanus
190AD The Oneness Montanist
220AD The Oneness Pentecostals in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon
395AD Jerome writes on glossolalia but indicates the oneness people are still speaking in tongues.
557AD Revival amongst Oneness Pentecostals
700-795AD Bede the Venerable writes on glossolalia and the gifts of the spirit.
1532AD Waldensian revivals
1647AD George Fox and the early Quakers
1660AD Oneness Quaker William Penn
1701AD The Camisards of France
1727AD The Moravian Brethren
1738AD John Wesley and the early Methodists
1738AD George Whitfield
1774AD The Shakers movement
1880-1881AD Cane Ridge Kentucky revivals
1831AD Edward Irving and England
1850-1875AD The revivals of Finney
1875AD D.L. Moody and glossolalia
1900AD Oneness Penecostal Charles Parham
1904AD Welsh revival, Evan Roberts
1906-1909AD Oneness Pentecostal William Seymour and Asuza Street. ( Assembly of God)
1915AD Russian revivals of Andrew Urshan
1900-1962AD Italian Pentecostal Movement: Piero Ottolini
1962AD Catholic Charasmatic Renewal

How to Speak in Tongues

1. Ask God to “swing you up by the arms.”

2. Believe you have received.

3. (You) speak what the Spirit gives you to speak.

More in Living a Spirit Filled Life

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The Urgent Need

May 27, 2012

Living a Spirit Filled Life Part 10

March 18, 2012

Living a Spirit Filled Life - Pt 8