
Welcome to the New Covenant Church website. 

Since 1968, New Covenant has been proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom of the Lord, Jesus Christ, in St. Louis and beyond. We worship and love Jesus by living out the teaching of the Bible, and we demonstrate love for people by building each other up in the Word of God. Our goal is to glorify Jesus and see lives restored in His Kingdom.


If you would like to be included in our weekly prayer list so that we can pray for you specifically, please click here. (PRAYER ICON)


Sunday Worship, 10:30 AM

Wednesday Mid-Week Meetings 7:00 PM

Friday Bible Study, 10:00 AM

*Meetings are generally in-person and usually have activities for children. Wednesday and Friday meeting times are subject to change, please to see the calendar to confirm dates and childcare.


1401 Timberlake Manor Pkwy

Chesterfield, MO 63017

 Click here for directions: (MAP ICON)


Click here to view the calendar: (CALENDAR ICON)

Wondering what to expect, click here: (WHAT TO EXPECT ICON)

If we can answer a specific question for you, please click here to send us a message. (CONTACT ICON)

Want to meet with a pastor? Click here: (PASTORAL VISIT ICON)