Middle Schoolers will meet the first Sunday of the month following the Main Gathering worship.


The vision of New Covenant Middle School Youth Group is to form strong covenantal friendships within the Body of Christ and to grow in stature and maturity by.

Speaking Boldly
Thinking Bilbilcally
Acting Responsibly

The leadership of the Middle School Youth Group is committed to applying the fundamentals of the Christian faith to all of the youth so that each young person takes ownership of their identity in Christ Jesus as they move on to maturity as imitators of God.

The Middle School Youth Group of New Covenant Church (United) strives to imitate Jesus Christ and grow in the grace of God.

Working alongside parents the goals of the  Middle School Youth Group are.

Love Jesus
Obey God and His Word
Tell others

We desire to be a light to the world that continually builds others up in Jesus Christ and creates intentional community through the Word of God.