Comfy-Cozy Ladies Christmas Party

Announcements (8 × 4.5 in) image

December 17, 2022

10:00am – 12:00pm

Category: Ladies' Ministry | Coordinator: Suzanne Hayne
Ladies, you are invited to join us for a fun and relaxing, comfy and cozy Christmas party! 

Who: All ladies 18 and older
What: A laid-back event with plenty of food and fun
When: Saturday, December 17, 10am-12pm
Where: NCC Church

Take a break from the busyness of the holiday season and come ready to be refreshed in the Lord. Throw on your most comfortable attire and slow the pace for a few hours. Sit with friends, new and old, and sip a hot beverage while listening to some Christmas tunes. Join in on a friendly game or craft together an ornament. Hear from our Pastor's wife about the rest we find in knowing the One whom we celebrate at Christmas.

A delicious spread of cozy Brunch food will be prepared for us by Jim Schmid, so please RSVP to let us know if you will be able to join in on the festivities.

Our time together will also include a cozy sock exchange. Please bring a gift wrapped new pair of socks and don't forget to include a scripture or note of encouragement. We hope everyone leaves with not just socks to warm her feet but with sweet words to warm her heart.

Click link below to RSVP