Exodus - Part Two

September 26, 2010 Speaker: Steve Ottolini Series: Exodus

Topic: Learning Hour

Course Objectives

1. To understand the Book of Exodus
2. To identify with the covenant community in Exodus
3. To grow in devotion to Jesus and the Bible

Review from Lesson One

Why the Book of Exodus is important in redemptive history (Exodus contrasted with the Gospel)

1. By the exodus, Israel is brought out to a new liberty.
2. By the law, Israel is brought under a new covenant.
3. By the tabernacle, Israel is brought into a new relationship with Jehovah.

Exodus: Liberty
Law: Responsibility
Tabernacle: Privilege

I. Exodus 1-4: The Call of Moses

A. Preservation: 1-2:10
1. God’s tool of dominion. 1:7 “But the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly, they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so that the _______________ was _______________ with them.”
2. New Pharaoh oppresses Israel. 2:2 “But the more they were ______________, the more they _________________ and the more they ____________ __________.”
3. Pharaoh orders infanticide. “If it is a male, you shall kill him by casting him into the Nile.”
4. Moses’ parents. _____________ and ________________ defy Pharaoh.
5. Providence _________ in the ____________ of Moses, as it does in all who are called of God.

B. Preparation: 2:11 – 2:22
1. Do not give up while _________ is ____________ you; and He is always ___________ you.

C. Prophetic call of Moses: 2:23-4:17
1. The Burning Bush: 3:2-5 Fire = The ______ of _______. Bush = Something ___________ to the desert.
2. Theophany: Divinity inside something _____________.
3. The incarnation: 3:8 “I have __________ ___________ to deliver them…” 3:12 “But I will _________ __________ ____________. (Immanuel language)
4. Preparation complete! Moses no longer trusts in ________ ___________ __________ to be a deliverer. He is now the __________ man on ____________ (most humble), trusting in God’s power ______________.

D. Problem: 4:18-26
1. Full obedience of the covenant deliverer is required to execute covenant deliverance.

E. Prophetic Placement: 4:27-31
1. 4:31 “When they heard that the Lord had visited the people of Israel and that He had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshipped.”
2. God’s covenant man belongs with God’s covenant people.

II. Exodus 5-15: Contest, Conquest, Covenant deliverance.

A. Contest 5-12:28
1. 6:6 “I will ________ _________with an outstretched arm.”
2. Two reasons for plagues
(1) To redeem God’s people
(2) To demonstrate __________ ____________
7:5 “The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out the people of Israel from among them.”
9:9 (During hail plague) “Plagues are coming upon you so that you (Pharaoh) may know the earth is the Lord’s.”

The Plagues and the Gods and Goddesses of Egypt

Nile to blood Ex. 7:14-25 HAPI – God of the Nile, ISIS – Goddess of the Nile
Frogs Ex. 8:1-15 HEQET – Goddess of birth: Frog head
Gnats Ex. 8:16-19 SET – God of the desert
Flies Ex. 8: 20-32 RE – Sun God
Death of livestock Ex. 9:1-7 HATHOR – Goddess with a cows head, symbol of fertility
Boils Ex. 9:8-12 SEKHMET – Goddess of power over disease
Hail Ex. 9: 13-35 NUT – the sky Goddess, OSIRIS – God of crops
Locusts Ex. 10:1-20 NUT – the sky Goddess, OSIRIS – God of crops
Darkness Ex. 10:21-29 RE – Sun God
Death of firstborn Ex. 11:1-12:30 MIN – God of reproduction, ISIS – Goddess unto protected children

B. Conquest: 12:29-32 Death of the Firstborn in Egypt

Plagues Means
Ist Cycle: Blood, Frogs, Gnats Aarons’ Staff
2nd Cycle: Flies, Livestock, Boils Word of Moses
3rd Cycle: Hail, Locusts, Darkness Moses’ Staff
Final Judgment: Death of Egypt’s Firstborn God solo

C. Covenant Deliverance: 12:1-28
1. Passover Instituted
(1) Passover Menu
Bitter herbs: Help Israel ___________ bitter bondage.
No Yeast: Israel is to be a _________ _________, no pollution
Roast: Pagans ate _________ __________ in their ceremonies. Israel is the antithesis of the Pagan nations.
Eat in haste: Israel is __________ __________
Sacred meal: May not be eaten _________ ____________ ______________ than Passover.
(2) Judgment: God’s wrath upon all of Egypt’s firstborn.
(3) Salvation: God’s salvation from His wrath upon all of Israel’s firstborn.
(4) 13:1 “The Lord said to Moses, consecrate to me all the firstborn, whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and of beast, __________ ¬____________.”

2. Crossing the Red sea 14:30-31 “This the Lord ____________ Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in His servant Moses.”

Passover and the Red Sea become the fundamental type of divine redemption in all of scripture.

• Contest: The supremacy of Yahweh
• Conquest: The dominion of Yahweh
• Covenant Deliverance: All of God’s enemies utterly defeated; Israel saved by the blood of the lamb and the power of God.

3. 15:1-18 Beach sing-a-long: The Song of Moses

Discussion Questions:

1. The book of Exodus is rich in typology. What or who do the following represent in the New Testament:
Red Sea
Bricks without straw

2. Do you accept the charge endured by Moses for centuries that he was a bad father and husband in the Zipporah / circumcision episode? Why or why not?

If you want to write out your responses and receive a ‘grade’; I will read submissions that are no more than 300 total words for the 2 questions, in clear handwriting or typed, and in a pocket folder with your name big and clear on the outside of the folder.

More in Exodus

October 24, 2010

Exodus - Part 6

October 17, 2010

Exodus - Part Five

October 10, 2010

Exodus - Part Four